Cloud Migration with Tiger Bridge

Step-by-step Guide for Migrating Data to the Cloud


As part of your workflow, it could be necessary to move data from one location to another in order to increase performance, improve security and reduce costs and maintenance tasks.

This process is also known as migration.

When migrating files to a specific cloud environment, organizations can greatly enhance their workflows by taking advantage of several key benefits. Although they may vary slightly across cloud providers, security improvement and cost reduction are guaranteed.

The common goal of migration is to allow data to be moved transparently and easily, preserve existing workflows accessing a new storage system, and use cloud AI services such as object, speech and facial recognition.

However, some preliminary work needs to be done. Organizations should have a bullet-proof strategy to ensure downtime is reduced, no data is lost, and no files are corrupted.


There are two ways to approach migration – “big bang” and “trickle”.

Big bang migration involves completing the entire data transfer and any associated tests in one go, typically over the span of a weekend. It’s the simplest method in terms of planning and implementation, suitable for organizations looking to migrate small data sets to the cloud or those which can afford not to modify the files in question during the entire migration process. However, due to the strict maintenance window, potential failure to complete the migration would waste time and resources.

Trickle (phased) migration involves isolating a portion of data to migrate at any given time until all files have been transferred to the cloud. It can be suitable for organizations dealing with larger data sets that may take a week or more to migrate, during which data can’t be accessed.

While trickle gives you more flexibility, it’s more complex in terms of planning and implementation than big bang. If admins need to ensure that data ready for migration cannot be modified, they’ll have to deal with the increased management burden and more admin work.

The Tiger Bridge Approach

Tiger Bridge is a software-only solution that can perform both migration methods. It automates trickle and ensures a superior data migrating strategy by combining significantly reduced risks and costs, greater control and uninterrupted access to data for legacy applications.

Why Tiger Bridge

Tiger Bridge blends on-premises and cloud storage into a single space and enables hybrid workflows without a NAS gateway.

It supports Microsoft, Amazon, Google and IBM Cloud tiers, Backblaze, ERA Coeus, Wasabi, and cloud S3 compatible storage, as well as local object and file storage.

Following a few simple policies, Tiger Bridge automatically monitors your file system for modifications and replicates data to the cloud in a non-proprietary format when this data is not being modified. Third-party solutions will not be required to access it, and it can easily be recovered from the cloud at any time. This preserves legacy applications and workflows and reduces downtime and admin complexities.

Tiger Bridge policies also allow you to replicate changes to already migrated data. Once all of it is in the cloud, you can use Tiger Bridge as a file system gateway to preserve existing workflows or run it on each machine that should have access to this data set to enable multi-site sync.

Benefits of using Tiger Bridge

  • Fully automated options
  • The migration progress of your file system can be tracked easily with the help of statistics
  • Your data is protected without the disadvantages of traditional backup solutions
  • You can make use of additional benefits such as file server extension, archive and disaster recovery mechanisms, and multi-site sync.

Check out our YouTube channel for more information.

For the purposes of this guide, we have broken down the Tiger Bridge cloud migration configuration and usage process into three separate steps:

  1. Setting up Tiger Bridge and its replication policies
  2. Monitoring replication progress
  3. Switching over to access data from its new location

Installation and Setup

Before you begin, you’ll need to install the program and leave it running on your computer. Download Bridge from here and register for the subscription plan that is most suitable for your workflow (both paid and free options available).

NOTE: Prior cloud account existence is required, along with a valid Tiger Bridge license.

  1. Once you download the installation file, open it to start the installation process. An automated wizard will guide you through the necessary fields and settings.

  2. When Tiger Bridge is successfully installed, its Configuration icon will appear on your desktop. Click to open it or use the tray icon. You’ll be able to establish the communication between Tiger Bridge and a cloud provider from there.


  3. Select a source folder or drive through the Add source It should be the location of the files and/or folders you’re planning to migrate.

    To apply your choice, click Select Folder.

  4. The Tiger Bridge target selection window will pop up. Tiger Bridge supports a variety of options, including the ability to migrate your data to multiple cloud providers by selecting one provider as a target for one source and another provider as a target for another source.

    To confirm your choice, click OK.

    Then, on the right side of the screen, proceed to fill out all the requested sensitive information. You must have your target cloud provider account credentials prepared. They can be found in your cloud provider’s portal.

    Make sure you’ve filled out the fields correctly, and depending on the cloud target, select an appropriate data container or bucket.

    To conclude the process, click Apply. Tiger Bridge will be Paused. Do not resume it yet.

  5. Set up a replication policy by accessing the respective Tiger Bridge tab to the left. This ensures your data gets copied to the cloud, remaining readily available at its original location. What’s more, the slightest modification or change to a file or folder system will be picked up by the policy, reflecting the respective changes at cloud level.

    On the right side, decide how long Tiger Bridge should wait before replicating your data. The lower the setting, the more real-time (close to instant) the data migration will be.

  6.  Make Tiger Bridge active again by clicking the Resume button. As soon as that’s done, files and folders will begin transferring to the cloud according to the replication policy. 

  7. In addition to automatic migration, you have the option of doing things manually. This could help if you want to prioritize certain replications over others. Right-click a folder, select Replicate from the Tiger Bridge menu and then select the cloud tier you would like to use.

Monitor Replication Progress

As your data is being migrated, you can monitor the process in a couple of different ways. Tiger Bridge will replicate any changes it picks up during its active work, including modifications to files already copied to the cloud.

  1. Go to your source folder. Inside, you’ll notice files with different icons, designating the different stages of the migration process (queued for replication, processing, etc.). 
    Pay attention to files with a red overlay meaning they have failed to replicate to the cloud. Once all files in the browsed path are without any icon overlay, it's safe to conclude that the migration process is complete and all of them have copies in the cloud. Similarly, you can also check the icon overlay of your source folder – once it shows no overlay, it contains only replicated data. You may find this method easier.

    Refer to the full Tiger Bridge manual for the meaning of all overlays (Tiger Bridge 5.0 Administration Guide, "Monitor Data Status").

  2. To see useful information about all managed files within your source folder, simply right-click on it, go to Properties and navigate to the Bridge tab.

    Inside, you’ll find statistical insights about the files (e.g, how many have been replicated or modified) as well as learning the exact migrated amount.

  3. This same screen can be accessed by pressing the Statistics button after selecting your source in the Tiger Bridge Configuration interface.

    You can also find statistical information in Bridge Explorer. Right click the Bridge tray icon and click on Show pending files

    Inside the Bridge Explorer, you will be able to see pending or other types of files, configurable in the Settings section:



As long as you create new data in your source or modify existing data, Tiger Bridge keeps replicating it. Should you decide that all needed data is replicated, you can manually stop the migration process by editing the replication policy to replicate only data modified in 10 years, for example.

Manage Files That Have Failed to Replicate

Files that have failed to replicate if the connection to the target has been lost, for example, are not automatically added to the replication queue.

To add them to the replication queue again, you should either restart the Tiger Bridge computer or its service, following these steps:

  1. Start the Command Prompt as administrator.

    In the Start menu, type cmd, right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.

  2. Execute the following:

    net stop tiersvc
    net start tiersvc

You can also easily replicate all failed files in the Bridge Explorer, without having to restart the Tiger Bridge computer or service:

  1. Right-click the Tiger Bridge tray icon and click “Show failed files”.

  2. Optionally, click Settings and in the Settings dialog, clear the “Flat listing” check box to display all failed files, without having to browse your source’s folder structure.
  3. In the left pane of the Bridge Explorer, select a source and click “Retry selected”. 

  4. Repeat the step above for each source listed in the left pane.

Switch to New Data Access

Once your insights show that every file and folder has been migrated successfully, you can start using the cloud location of your data. This can be set up in two ways:

  • Configuring access through Tiger Bridge as a file system gateway - with this approach, you can keep replicating all changes to your source folder to the cloud and retrieve your data from the cloud if necessary.
  • Using Tiger Bridge across multiple clients in a multi-sync environment without gateway – with this approach, you can keep replicating all changes to multiple other machines where Tiger Bridge is configured. This way, your data will remain available even if one of the machines running Tiger Bridge fails. 

    Check out our Synchronization video and article for more information.


By using Tiger Bridge, you reduce the risks, costs and stress associated with migration while also retaining control over your data and providing uninterrupted access to it. Bridge is transparent to users and applications and avoids vendor lock-in by preserving data in its native format.

In addition to cloud migration, you can also take advantage of file versioning, ransomware protection and cost optimization with the help of cloud tiers.

Check out the Cloud Migration playlist for more information.

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About Tiger Technology

Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria and Alpharetta, GA, USA, Tiger Technology specializes in the underlying technology of hybrid cloud workflows. The company develops data management software solutions designed to help customers of any size, scale and industry optimize their on-premises storage and enhance their workflows through cloud services. Tiger Technology solutions are admin-friendly, non-disruptive, transparent, and highly cost-effective.

Tiger Technology brings over 15 years of expertise in developing high-performance storage solutions for the most demanding workflows, which includes cross-platform NAS/SAN file system sharing, storage, user, project, and media management.

Throughout the years and the multitude of changes in IT and the digital landscape, Tiger Technology has chosen the path of growth and continual improvement, but it has never lost sight of what it all starts with - data. The company’s current focus is enabling "on-premises-first" hybrid cloud workflows.


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