Backing Up and Restoring the Tiger Spaces Database

This article lists the required procedure steps for backing up and restoring the Tiger Spaces database

The Tiger Spaces SQL database holds the information about the user, passwords, tags (if any), size of workspaces, etc. If the database is lost and you do not have a backup, Tiger Spaces will automatically rescan all workspaces, populate all users and groups but everyone will have to enter a new password on their first login.

There is a way to backup the Tiger Spaces database and to restore it (on the same machine or on another one) by following the procedure below (In case you haven’t used our Tiger Spaces SQL installer, the SQL instance name may be different). 


First create a folder for the backup of the database (Optional):

1. Open CMD as an Administrator.

2. Create a temp directory (if c:\temp is already created, you can change it to temp2 or something else):

mkdir c:\temp

This will create a folder "temp" at the root level of the C: drive.

3. Type in:

icacls c:\temp /grant everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)

This will grant "Full control" permissions for "Everyone" for the selected folder (in our case - C:\temp)


To back up the Tiger Spaces database using sqlcmd:

1. Open a CMD window as an Administrator.

2. Type in:


3. If the command line above succeeds, you will be moved to an SQL command line window, where you should type in the following:

b) TO DISK = 'C:\temp\dbbackup.bak'
d) MEDIANAME = 'medianame',
e) NAME = 'Full backup';
f) GO

The "C:\temp\dbbackup.bak" location can be changed to your liking.


The restoration procedure is as follows:

1. Open a CMD window as an Administrator.

2. Type in:


3. If the command line above succeeds, you will be moved to an SQL command line window, where you should type in the following:

a) restore database psdb

b) from disk = 'c:\temp\dbbackup.bak'


d) GO

Where C:\temp\backup.bak is the path to the .bak file which was created with the previous procedure.

Note: The database name may be different than psdb, depends on how it has been set during the initial configuration of the Tiger Spaces software.