Surveillance Bridge Mass Configuration Wizard

Step-by-step guide for applying the same settings across multiple recording servers and/or storage volumes simultaneously


Setting up a single instance of Surveillance Bridge is a fast and straightforward process. It normally begins with the download of a licensed wizard, proceeds with guided installation and ends with manual cluster configuration. Here, you need to go through a couple of required steps like target selection and policy definition, and ensure you enforce those rules and settings which are most appropriate for your individual needs.

However, if you intend to own and manage multiple recording servers and their respective storage volumes, things could start taking a much slower turn. Despite the process being familiar, you’ll need to repeat it time after time and step after step until the last owned entity is configured.

This is where our Surveillance Bridge Mass Configuration Wizard comes in and offers help.

The Mass Configuration Approach

Instead of spending time performing the same local procedure over and over again, you can apply settings globally. The Wizard takes all the recording servers and storage volumes you have and offers you a flexible way of configuring them in bulk.

The wizard is part of the standard Bridge and HA installer. It’s used not only to apply mass or individual configurations but subsequent changes to them whenever necessary.

For additional convenience, using the wizard, you can update Surveillance Bridge and HA to a newer version or revert back to an older one in an event of an error.


As soon as you initiate the Surveillance Bridge Mass Configuration Wizard, you’ll be presented with an overview of the steps it’s going to take you through. They may seem familiar at first, but eventually you’ll be able to configure global settings across multiple recording servers.

  1. To begin, click Next.

    You’ll be taken to the first step – selecting a global Surveillance Bridge target which can be either a public cloud or an on-premise installation.

    Choose what fits your working needs.

    Then, select an appropriate global cloud provider with either hot and active tier or only hot tier. Existing account credentials will be required.

  2. By clicking Next, you’ll enter a screen for establishing connection with your selected Surveillance Bridge target.

    Sensitive data such as access keys and secret keys as well as tier, container or bucket selection may be needed to complete the process.

    Take a look at the Use secure transfer and Disaster Recovery only checkboxes.

    • The first enables your configuration to utilize SSL or TLS.
    • The second disables your storage’s extension so that recording and video files will be sent only to the tier allowing archive retrieval, and VMS index files will be kept only in a tier allowing immediate retrieval.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the second step - setting up a global replication policy.

    This consists of defining which recordings will be moved based on the last time they were accessed or when their total used space exceeds a certain percentage amount.

    Keep in mind that this step is optional. You can skip it and still continue.

  4. The next screen is also dedicated to setting up your replication policy.\

    This time, you have the option to define a rehydration priority or glacier depending on the selected cloud provider. It’s not required, so you can skip it entirely.

  5. The third step – selecting a server, is where you can take the utmost advantage of the Surveillance Bridge Mass Configuration Wizard.

    With just a few checkbox clicks and selections from dropdown menus, you can decide which of your servers’ storage volumes you want to configure, what kind of settings they will use and which buckets or containers they will work with.

    For example, you may need one storage volume from your first server, two from the second and one from the third. Each of them will be associated with a bucket or container depending on your cloud provider, and you can decide which will support disaster recovery, extension and archive capabilities.

    This wide-reaching mass configuration is not unlimited. You cannot work with servers and storages from different target accounts and cloud providers.

    Settings which are already in place for one storage will be greyed out for the next.

  6. Make sure that you’ve set up everything correctly and click Next.

    This is the last step as far as mass configuration is concerned. The wizard will begin applying it across your specified recording servers and storage volumes.

    Do not turn off your machine or cancel the wizard.

  7. Once the process completes, you’ll be presented with a summary of the steps which have been completed successfully and those which may have generated errors.

    The mass configuration is applied. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


By using the Surveillance Bridge Mass Configuration Wizard, you reduce the unnecessary time associated with manual cluster setting and installation.

Your recording servers and their storage volumes are configured quickly and efficiently, and can be just as well modified in bulk whenever that’s needed.

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Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria and Alpharetta, GA, USA, Tiger Technology specializes in the underlying technology of hybrid cloud workflows. The company develops data management software solutions designed to help customers of any size, scale and industry optimize their on-premises storage and enhance their workflows through cloud services. Tiger Technology solutions are admin-friendly, non-disruptive, transparent, and highly cost-effective.

Tiger Technology brings over 15 years of expertise in developing high-performance storage solutions for the most demanding workflows, which includes cross-platform NAS/SAN file system sharing, storage, user, project, and media management.

Throughout the years and the multitude of changes in IT and the digital landscape, Tiger Technology has chosen the path of growth and continual improvement, but it has never lost sight of what it all starts with - data. The company’s current focus is enabling "on-premises-first" hybrid cloud workflows.

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